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Naka's illusion costume (Sleepy Kitty) is bugged when you change it into the illusion room. When selected, the game shows the Maid outfit instead

Oh, that shouldn't even be there since the sleepy kitty arrives in v0.7 that should be out around March 14-16th. I'll clear it out from v0.6 once I'll get some free time.

Fixed in the hot-fixed version. Please update the game.

Is the sokoban puzzle in mansion (latest update) can not be solved? I only can put 2 barrels most on the tile

Of course, it is. Here's the solution.

Thank you so much!!

(1 edit) (+1)

will we be able to get mariams steel rod out from inside her

in and out

If you are talking about her chastity belt, then yes.


Update it works with joiplay

Step 1 download joiplay and a app called RAR on the play store

Step 2 download the windows version of the game

Step 3 when the game version is finish download go to the RAR go to the download files then find the game file hold it then press the extract file remove the check mark from the display extracted file press ok then wait for a few seconds.

Step 4 go to joiplay press the + bottom the third option press it go to downloads find the game file then you have to find the game.exe then press ok and the the other options just to be safe

Tip: if the game doesn't finish downloading try again but don't use your android and close all apps when is downloading.

That's great to hear! Do you experience any problems like stutter or freezes?

To me there we a couple stuttering. Like when inflicting a crit. Other than that, nothing much. I really enjoy this game. :D

(1 edit)

Hey! How to solve this?

We are all different yet, all the same, we are fifteen.

We stand in straight lines with center as our core.

Can you assemble us?

Because I don't know how to solve this

Draw lines through the center of the puzzle and make each line's value equal to 15

Can i play this game with joiplay

Never tested it with the game. You can try, but I can't offer any support.


I'm having a rough time figuring out that puzzle in the ancient tower with Naka some hints and tips would be useful for this one 

It's a sudoku puzzle. Fill out the rows and columns so no matching symbols are in the same row or column.

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I need help with naka. I got the scene where I learn to jump over rocks in water, but now I just can't find her anywhere. Also the wrestling with mudbrick is really hard. I have maxed strength and I have no idea why it's hard 

If you didn't learn how to jump back then, you'll still be able to get to that location again. After you encounter her 3 times and talk to her at the campsite, she'll appear in Bright Meadows' inn in the evening.

As for the wrestling, hold down the direction arrow that is shown on the screen. Optionally, you can use a strength potion from the peddler you encounter in the forest.

а новые версии будут выходить общий доступ?

или всё уже не будет такого?

so, my question. my issue is the amount of time passage. i'm trying to go into the deeper woods but, i can't get very far since it turns night very quickly. what to do?

Return in the next in-game day.

do i use a recall spel to go back to, say, the fairy tree

and, I still keep getting to the same place in the deep forest. How do I return to the last point in the deep forest?

Deleted 3 years ago

My version is 0.50

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Maggie wants her own room. Buy the upgrade from Mudbrick.

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Reinforce home? I buy it already. T-T

But the quest don't update.

Maggie's room, not reinforce home...

In Mudbrick. He has a Reinforce home, Plant Red&Blue Herbs. I can't see a Maggie's room upgrade. T-T

Finish his optional task about him fucking a human girl in any way.

How to find a place to duel in the mission from Marie, I ran around the whole cave but did not find a place to duel with her former master

The sparkling stone in the center.

I completed the main task there, and the stone no longer sparkles

It's not the same area where you fight the shrike boss for the main quest. To get to Morghul's fight, you need to pass through the labyrinth section inside lave depths.

And what if I spent about a chal walking through the maze that is on the left but found nothing

It's on the right and you need to understand how to navigate inside and not run around blindly.

How do you get pass the barrier in Ucca Forest? please im stuck here.


Progress the main quest.

how do you search on the treasure maps, ive found the spot marked by an x and have a shovel, how do you dig


Just use it from the inventory screen as you do with Maggie's lamp. Select items, then select the shovel and confirm the choice.

Um hi, do you ever plan on making this for Mobile? This is looks like a really cool game and would love to play it. :D

I'm working on the mobile version between the releases, but can't name any dates, even rough ones.

Real-time combat adds a lot of logic running in the background. While most of the pcs don't notice this, mobile devices do. This causes small freezes from time to time. Since the combat is based on reactions and quick decisions, this makes the game hard to enjoy.

(1 edit)

Ah I see. Well all I can really say is best of luck to you!! This is genuinely  a really cool game, and whenever,  if ever, there's a mobile version, I'd be happy to play it. But until then, focus on PC or whatever. Better to prioritize the actual making of the game than ports to other devices. And thx for the info! :D

Ah I see. Well all I can really say is best of luck to you!! This is genuinely  a really cool game, and whenever,  if ever, there's a mobile version, I'd be happy to play it. But until then, focus on and PC or whatever. And thx for the info! :D

There is a bug with the boss after the Vampire I sent it to your gmail.

I made a fix for that. You can get it here. If the problem persists after applying the fix, please contact me.

I did what was asked and the problem wasn't solved it's the same. I copied the attached file into the game folder and then re installed the game and continued from my save file. 

You don't need to reinstall the game after applying the patch from Patreon. It did the contrary - you reverted to the original game state you had before using the fix. Just apply it and start the game normally.

I added the file to the game file and started the game. I loaded in my save which is at the start of the fight with the boss and the same issues happen we don't do damage to each other.

Fine. Send me your entire save folder.

for some reason i cant download it on my windows it always says forbidden

can you tell me why i cant download it

I just checked it out and downloaded the game. Can't really say where the problem lies, but using a different browser for downloading may help.

Hi! I found a bug with the main boss I can send a clip to you. But where can I send it?

Hello. You can send it to


I`m stuck at the Mona`s quest where i need to find a flower in the snow biome. I can`t find it there. I suppose it is behind the snow boulder that blocks path to the left, but i cant get rid of it no matter what i do (use showel, all fire spells) . Maybe it`s because im using my save file from 0.45 version where i hadn`t finished this quest?

Hello! The flower is inside the cave. It looks like a red patch of flowers and is situated on a small dead-end to the left of the entrance to the boss area.


I'm having trouble with trying to run the v0.45. I'm on Mac and have followed all of the instructions in the guide (the read and write permissions and moving it to applications with administrator access) but still can't run it. Whenever I double click to open the game it says "The application 'Game' can't be opened". I looked in the comments and saw that someone else also had trouble a while back but was able to resolve the issue by using the terminal (no idea what the is btw). I was able to find a document that was titled "nwjs" in the MacOS folder, but it just had a bunch of codes in it. Also couldn't find the NWJS terminal icon (maybe because I don't know what that is since I'm not that well versed in computer things) as mentioned in step 10 of the guide unless  it was right in front of me and I'm just dumb. Would appreciate it a lot if I could get some help. Thanks.

Sadly, Mac can be very picky in this matter. Try running the game in the browser via index.html inside the www folder. To get there you'll need a file manager since double-clicking will simply try to run the game.

I tried your suggestion but when I try to open the index.html it opens a tab called "NEW" and it says "ERROR" in yellow and "script error". Guess my laptop just doesn't want me to play :/

(1 edit)

Sadly, I don't think I can help you out here. MacOS can be very picky about some stuff while Windows runs the game out of the box most of the time.

Well thank you for the help either way. I appreciate that you tried. I'm just gonna be patient any wait for the game to update on the website again so I can play the hell out of it


Where's the last CG?

And where's Hanako? I've finished the main quest, but I still can't get into fox Temple


where can i find the code for the shady man in bright meadows? and someone who know about the sword in the stone in niko forest also?

how come when i try to fight lord leopald and i die, when i go back, i cant dmg him at all and he cant dmg me?

This bug was fixed in the last version of the game. Make sure you've updated the game client.

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i have 0.45 its the newest i can download so idk and btw where can i find my save files on mac?

That's strange. Send me your entire save folder. It should be in\Contents\Resources\app.nw\

i sent it to

Yeah, I got it. I'll check it out once I'll get some free time.

its ver.50 and the bug is still here when i die to leopord i cant dmg him nor dmg me

any way to fix this?

Did you apply the fix from my Patreon?

this is a fun game the only problem i have is that every time i close the game it deletes my save data so if anyone knows how to fix that i would appreciate the help

That's not normal. Make sure your active user has the right to write into the game folder. This happens because the game can't make a proper save file.

so i've been looking and i can't seem to find how to do that is there like a guide on how to give the access for that or something like that you can send?

You know, mentioning which operating system you are using helps in this situation...

MacOS, Linux. In Windows check the properties menu after clicking on the game's folder.

Really good, couldn't run the client on linux but the www folder with the web version worked fine though a bit laggy but that must be my old computer xd (though you need to disable "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy" flag on your browser, usual procedure), the story is fun, the +18 scenes are animated and really good, the game is easy to master and play, there's difficulty settings for battles and challenges which is a really good, there's some puzzles but they are very easy (imo), cute and sweet girls there, overall a great game to pass your time and to get some sweet pleasure too, 10 outta 10 :-)

Glad you liked the game and thanks for the feedback! And, uh... You won't believe how often I hear that the combat is too hard :>

I just saw that there's a lot more on the game, and I didn't tested combat much either, but I know that there's a setting to make it easy on the game configuration, so I guess it might help a bit, I hope that combat won't be too hard though as my PC is kinda laggy :/

Hello i got a question, for the noble quest in tracking down facemasha in the slime forest, i cant seem to find him anywhere... Is this a bug?

(1 edit)

Did you try the path West* from the entrance point of the slime forest?

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Oh, you are right. Changed the post.

How do I use Sparkling pearls? I found 3 of them and I don't know what to do about them

They are used automatically when you go to sleep and improve Maggie's rechargeable flask.

hi i don't know if i'm doing something wrong but i'm stuck in the quest right after i beat mudbrick in an arm wrestling and i go to the orc camp and nothing happens, what should i do?

Check the quest journal. It's there for a reason and has all the steps you'll need to finish any quest in the game.

After beating mudbrick on arm wrestling, if I remember correctly, you need to go talk with the MInotaur Chief again 👍

hey so I'm doing the quest where you have to find Momo and Ayane in the Ucca forest however there is a barrier in the forest and it won't let me pass through it how do I do it. by the way love the game


Advance the main quest and Robert will help you with it

alright cool thanks

one more question how do I regain my I guess strength to use my fire ball.

Try sleeping in either the home cave or an inn.

what is shady guy code

It's a part of Patreon rewards, starting with Master tier and up.

ah ok

how can i download the new version and not have to play from the begining

nvm i just overwrited it

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

It can be defeated without any pots. Just check out the attacks and manage your stamina for getting away from dangerous situations.

will yorna's game characters be in this game? u said its the same universe or same storyline so theres a chance no?

Some are already in there :>

How do i transfer the save files?

By copying and pasting them into the new release. Typically, it's Control+C -> Control+V. If you aren't sure how to do this, consult your operating system manual.

I have a quick question about the maps for treasure. Are the treasure located in the same zone as you get the map. So for the Slime and Ogre maps are they both in the slime forest? I'm only asking because I think I found the location for the slimy map but when I use the shovel it won't dig up that treasure.

No, sometimes maps lead to a different zone. For example, the ogre's map leads to a spot in their camp. You can return there from the global map after clearing them.

Ogre one makes since I had went into the camp before I got the map I guess I will be going back there again. Still cannot get the slimy one though

It's in the first zone of the slime forest.

i can't find the location for neatly folded map :(

So...I found something strange about belle's quest (3 Cacti). When I done it, It's just play the dialogue and Belle's scene over and over again. Am I do something wrong? And I missed 15th scene. I have no clue how to find it. Can you tell some hint? By the way, I really love your game, a lot.

P.S. My English is not good, I really try my best. LOL

That's strange. Please send me your entire zipped save folder to and I'll check it out.

Found and fixed the problem with Belle's quest. Will use this fix in the upcoming v0.5 version release. Thanks for the hint!

As for the 15th scene, you need to help Naka in the ancient tower. It's a mini-quest with a puzzle and treasure hunt.

Thanks you~~  : )

so uh.. im getting this (ubuntu mate 20.04)

Hello. Can't say for sure what's causing this, but you can check out Linux FAQ for my games. Namely, the desktop trick and updating nwjs. If all else fails you can try tunning the game in the browser. It's covered in the FAQ too.

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Another question, how do I get the ruby for Elly? .-.

Idk and i need it pls :(


you can find it in some ruins in niko forest 

how do i solve the puzzle in the acient tower

The one for Naka? It's a sudoku puzzle. Fill each column and row in such a way there are no matching symbols in them.

Deleted 3 years ago
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