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so how do i go about transferring my save from a previous version to the current? (23 > 25)

if not i'll gladly play again though it would be quite a drag to play all the way through again considering the amount of material grabbing that's needed

Just copy your entire save folder from the old release into the new one. It should be in the same place in the folder hierarchy. That's it, you are done.

If you use Itch's app, it's the same logic, but I don't know the specifics. In case you'll need help with Itch's app, the support is the way to go.

i did and it said Failure loading characters !MC.png

Yeah, there was a problem with the old file still in use. I uploaded a new version a minute ago, please check it out and contact me. If the problem will persist, I will make another fix.

finally got around to the new upload, was a tad confused on what you meant but i got it. looks like it's working fine for now, i'll keep you informed if i run into any bugs, big or small

Sure thing!

After extracting the game files for the linux version and running it, I got an "Uncaught ReferenceError: b is not defined". Did I make a mistake when following the instructions?


Try running Game.desktop instead of the Game.


would it be at all possible to have the MC's name be changeable in a future update?


Hello! It's quite tricky to do since this wasn't implemented in the first release. Doing this now will require a few changes that may cause a logic clusterfuck due to various plugins and extra features. So, the renaming will require a lot of checks.

Some players already mentioned this feature on forums, but I have my hands full with other stuff at the moment.

its really not a big problem. however, i actually came across a softlock, and i had been playing thru the game in one sitting, so i didnt save.  I got the catgirl last for the main quest, and i figured "killing " myself in the forest would be a faster way to get back home, but when i respawned in the bad, my character was stuck, and nothing i tried would move him. My game also autosaved at that point, so im going to hafta redo everything. honestly, the game is good enough that I am willing to do so, but it still really stings.

That's weird. First of all, send me your entire save folder - I'll fix the save for you.  Just zip up the entire save folder and use Google drive/Mega or send it to me directly via email -

Also, I'll see what I can do to change the logic so other players won't get into this situation.

alright, if i sent the wrong thing or i did it incorrectly just let me know, thank you for doing this, I really appreciate it. Ill email it to you

Crashes like it has latency lol but what I did play was good

I would like to know more about this. Which version do you play? What happens before the crash? Any error popups? Is there a specific way to cause a crash? Which zone you were in when it happened?

(2 edits)

just the android mega wasnt bad just noticed it every few  mins when it was slowing down goin around the town no errors just slow movements when going from the inn to outside or from church to outside only time it happens when u go in to out or out to in and it pauses sometimes when in the inn for a few  seconds when talking to the waitress at night. Other then that bout all just little thing's. 

I see. This was one of the reasons I put apk releases on hold until I can try to fix these problems.

oh welp I can wait was first time playin looked good so wonted to try it out


By pushing the barrels of course. You can reset their placement by walking into the exit and selecting the corresponding option, so you don't lose anything if the first attempt did not succeed.

I have been playing over an hour yet i can't f'ing find Naka in the deep forest. Any help ?


It depends on what forest zones will you get, so a bit of RNG is involved. Aside from this, you can't visit the same deep forest (or far outskirts) maps twice a day. Plus, after Jack suggests visiting Bright Meadows to Naka, she'll be available in the tavern around evening.

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How do you defeat the slime boss? and where do you find the guy that knows about swords, so you can get a sword yourself?


Just as she mentions in the dialogue, you can find one in the deep forest's ruins. Chests there have several rewards and the ruby is one of them.

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Will there be an option to change the combat controls in the future? The button placements are pretty inhuman as all the controls are at least a key away from each other. Why not make z the attack button, x the block button and c the items button? This way they all line up iwth each other and its easier for my fingers to navigate

And also no you cant just play the game with only mouse


Where is the back button on Android in options to get out

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Use two fingers and tap


Error on start up  Uncaught Reference Error: b is not defined

Which version do you use? Any details will help with troubleshooting.

I am unable to open the app on Mac, when I do so it says "You do not have permission to open the application “Game”. Contact your computer or network administrator for assistance." I contacted apple and they told me to contact you, what do you recommend that I do?

Hello! Did you check the FAQ for MacOS? I think it's covered there. Please contact me if the problem still persists after you'll follow the guide.

I did check that but I instead downloaded it on windows so it is fin

so i first downloaded the game normally and completed i have the desktop there a way to transfer the game here? because i dont want to lose my save

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Sorry, I don't know anything about the app. If you have the access to game files, you can transfer the entire save folder by copy-pasting it to the new location. If you don't know how to get to save files in the app, I guess the best way to handle this is to contact Itch's support. Good luck!

thanks it worked

The download links are still for v023

It's only available on my Patreon at the moment, as all early access versions do before going public. For v0.25, the public release date is June 4th. You can check such info on my Patreon in release date reminder posts like this one.



Deleted 3 years ago

Well, it's the classic combat gameplay like Zelda. See what the boss does, counter its moves and poke away at windows of opportunities where the boss doesn't attack you. All attacks either have a sound/visual to telegraph what's coming your way or have enough delay to allow dodging

Don't forget to use the shield. Slime's ranged attack can hurt you a lot if you won't block the "slimeballs".

(2 edits)

So, loving the update, playing on mobile, the combat is a bit rough at first, as the controls have to be so precise, but that's hard to manage for a mobile version in the first place. Found an exploit for farming levels after defeating the slime boss. You can go back and keep killing him, as he no longer moves or attacks, so just figured I would let you know about that. The health potions don't seem to restock after sleeping, if you don't go to sleep by at least night. I went to sleep multiple times at late night, and then I couldn't get the potions back and couldn't figure out why. I'm currently stuck at 97%, have all scenes, found both treasures from the maps, magic and combat are 0/3, and gave the mandrake root to the kitsune. Is there something I'm missing here? Only three quests I have left are the main story, the sword in the stone, and the Kitsune ritual. Any advice would be appreciated! (OH right, one other thing, when going to the Neko statue by the castle, the scrolling image is just a black screen on mobile.)

Thanks for your feedback! I'm afraid you are the only one who even somewhat liked the new combat on mobile devices. The rest of the feedback is overwhelmingly negative and I can understand why. O think, I'll take the apk down until its problems will be solved.

Thanks for the info! Yes, the boss glitch is already fixed in the upcoming version v0.25. I decided not to roll it out to the current public version since it was recently hotfixed already and re-downloading the game again doesn't sound like fun. As for the scrolling, I'll check this out a bit later.

Maggie's flask restores charges once per day when the date changes. It's the same as respawning resources. So, if you want to recharge it, sleep until the next morning. v0.25 will have a new item to increase the healing efficiency for the flask to make it double.

I'm not sure about the completion rate, but did you peek at the 'ritual" in the church late in the evening? If you'll leave Mariam without confessions, she will get lusty.

Also, Ayane has a message for you - "I'm not a neko!"

Haha, apologies for being mistaken Ayane! Also, after some attempts, I found that scene, but am still stuck! 97%, haha, man I am missing something obvious apparently. 

I appreciate the effort you are putting into the mobile version, as I do have a pc, I just tend to play mobile a lot more unless I am playing a game with someone. I probably just need to go through each map at each different hour to find what I am missing. Looking forward to the next update!

97% means you are just missing a single point so it's not a big deal. It's rather hard to pinpoint though since I add more and more small stuff with each release. I'd say don't worry about it, you've beaten the main bulk of content already.

The ui isnt working

i found the jojo reference 


Does anyone know how to unlock the second and fourth scenes? I'm kinda stuck.


uhhh yea I went into the room but it just didnt do anything for a while, then he jumped into the corner out of the world.bug or something?can't even open the menu to reload a save or anything.and the last autosave just brings me back to this room where the whole thing repeats.

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Yes, there was a problem and I already updated the game. Re-download it and check the boss again. The saves are fully compatible between these versions.

Where is the button on android?

Sorry! The public release I posted the first time lacked a fix pack. I just updated the game, so please re-download it. The saves are fully compatible and you can continue without loss of progress. Please contact me if you still have any problems after the update.

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I cant find the controls to attack

They don spawn

Sorry! The public release I posted the first time lacked a fix pack. I just updated the game, so please re-download it. The saves are fully compatible and you can continue without loss of progress. Please contact me if you still have any problems after the update.


I dont get how to attack in android

Hello! just got to the slime king fight. I've experienced a glitch where he jumps all the way to the left of the screen, mostly off screen and does nothing except make his attack noises. Is there any known fix to this?

i am also softlocked in this area as i cant leave and I do not have return scrolls

he is also frozen with no hitbox and his hp bar doesnt show

Sorry! The public release I posted the first time lacked a fix pack. I just updated the game, so please re-download it. The saves are fully compatible and you can continue without loss of progress. Please contact me if you still have any problems after the update.

Entering the boss zone should set him straight. For example, you can use an autosave slot for this.

I've found another bug on another playthrough
The "Come Home and make a plan" part of the "Friends like these" quest is not activating. I've talked to the chief, won the game, got all the girls to affection 2, and the quest has yet to continue further

Zip your entire save folder and send it to me via any fileshare service like Google disk or Mega. I'll look into it.

I've sent you the link through email

Thanks! I'll check this out.

i cant seem to do the "meet up with friends" part pf the main quest, where do i have to go

Both Maggie and the journal mention your home cave. Make sure you finish the minotaur questline by talking with chief Stoneaxe after beating Mudbrick in wrestling.

I am having this same issue. I have done the wrestling and now the chief says he is wait for me to finish preparations and I have Elly, Mona, and Naka's affection bar past both hearts and up to the lock, and am using v 0.23, but when I go back to the cave I am just told I need to make friends. I have also done all the side quests the girls asked me to do. Not sure what else to do.

Please zip your entire save folder and send it to me. I'll check this out.

Not sure if there was a way to put it in the comment, but here is a drive link.

Thanks! I'll check this out.

Thanks for the saves! Yeah, there was some weird behavior with that quest and I made a fix. Please download two files here and put them into your game's data folder along with other data files. Confirm the overwrite, then load your save and check your home cave again. The fix works even if you are in the cave from the start, so you don't need to prepare any other saves or start the game from the start.

Please ping me back if this solution fully solves the problem and I will roll it out to the public update.


does the shady guy do something and how do i find the password?

It's a reward from my Patreon to say "Thank you" to players who support me.  It's in the Master tier and this code will unlock the full gallery once you enter it and save your progress.

Why the logic is so hard? And I've got no clues to finish it, the password, the ritual for humanoid cats, sword, and the cat cyka that need lvl 2 affection. Fucking get stocked and gonna give up sooner

Finished the game this is cool looking forward to the update

How do I "get friends" I'm fukin confused

I managed to download the game, but for some reason the screen was always black

What version do you use?


No idea what's causing this. Try out the desktop version.

I don't know if I'm stuck or if it's not implemented yet, but I can't find the magic ruby for Elly to boost her affection level and continue with the main quest.

Just as she mentions in the dialogue, you can find one in the deep forest's ruins. Chests there have several rewards and the ruby is one of them.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Got a bug with version 2 where the scene and cg  for Belle doesn't unlock in the gallery

It's not a bug. Belle is just teasing Jack. Like in Mona's case, the teasing doesn't get into the gallery. Her H scene will arrive with the next update.

The read me file is the one from Yorna btw. Might confuse ppl that don't know your other game.

Thanks! I'll change it.

I was able to put "Mona's Happy Solo" on the wall before seeing the scene or buying to Portrait by going to her name and pressing the cancel button

Thanks, I'll check it out.

How to make a plan with friends?

I think that isn't available yet. Since it says you can't fully complete this quest yet. Couse I'm at this point too now and I already checked all the girls, every place and went to the cave again. But nothing is there.

Yeah, as you mentioned, this step will arrive with the next update.

Greetings, I'm in need of some little help. I stuck at the part wher I need to level up Naka, Mona and Elly. I have both Mona and Elly on lvl 2 for the quest but with Naka I can't continue, she's ready to level up to 1 but everytime I interact with her nothing happens. I'm not sure if I'm missing something but some help or a tip would be very nice

You need to meet Naka in the inn. She shows up there in the evening after you talk to her 3 times in the deeper forest section. Then she will decide to visit Bright Meadows from time to time.

Ah thanks alot, now I can continue. I was in the Inn like 15 times but never at this time xD

where is the ruby for Elly i looked around a decent bit and couldn't find it

If you have problems with quests, just check out the quest journal. Both Elly and the journal have a hint about the caves in the deeper part of the forest. There are chests in the mini-dungeons and these have several rewards inside.  Rubies are one of them.

alright i kept getting mandrake roots but ill try some more

Yeah, these are part of the reward table too and you can use them for the kitsune's quest.

Hi,  can somebody tell me how to unlock all 3 galleries? Because I have 2/3, and I can't find the last one. 96% content clear really irritates me.

Hi, I think a small improvement for the minotaur minigame would help the android ones and I don't know how the girls' locks are unlocked.

Hello! I made difficulty select both for the minotaur wrestling stage and Naka's minigame in the current release (v0.2). This will allow all players to lower the difficulty if you find the original one is too much for you.

As for the locks, these show you how far can you go in relationships with a girl in the current version of the game. Since MonGirl Sexpedition is still in development, I use these to show the players what they can do - these locks always hide something big like an H scene.

Also, the game has a tutorial about this.


Thank you very much but where can I download version 0.2?  Because when I download in the current link version 0.15 is downloaded

It's only available on my Patreon at the moment, as all early access versions do before going public. For v0.2, the public release date is April 5th. You can check such info on my Patreon in release date reminder posts like this one.

Hi, just a quick note: Sady the Linux ".tgz" archive is not detected by the itch app as a valid archive, so I had to install it manually.

I don't know how the upload looks from your side, but a ".tar.gz" extension might work. If all else fails, it seems that ".zip" archives are recognized properly. So, while not the most optimal it might just work.

Hello! That's pretty strange, I don't think anyone actually had this problem and noted me about it. I just re-labeled the Linux version, please check if it fixed the problem. If not, guess I'll swap it for .zip version.

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Thanks, I will check soon. Not everybody uses the itch app, nor Linux. So I suppose this combination is relatively rare.

I also opened an issue for the app, so I might have more info if someone answers there.

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I's somewhat stupid, but the installer tries to guess if it's an archive by the file extension:

If you rename the archive to end in '.tar.gz' I think it will work properly.
(I don't know if you done this, but it's not updated in the app or on the webpage yet.)

If you are not uploading manually, but use butler, than it's a bug in butler, I assume.

No, I didn't make the zip the first time, just re-labeled tgz as a package aimed at Linux platforms. Just re-uploaded the Linux version as a zip pack. Please try it out.

Works now, thanks for the wonderful support!

So you can Reinforce your home for 100 Jink. Then you can sell the Reinforcement for 500 Jink and just Reinforce it again ;)

You aren't supposed to sell it though :< I'll fix it in the upcoming update, thanks for the tip.



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