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(1 edit)
Already on May 7, where is the public release of 0.80?
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 2 years ago

how do i complete last ties quest after picking favorite girl?

v0.9 will allow this. In the public version, progressing the main quest too far blocks her dialogue.

whenever i try to talk with someone the game automatically skips through the text so i cant read do i fix this?

ok restarting the game fixed it but still worth pointing out that a bug like this exists

Never encountered this. Most likely it was a "sticky button" effect from some software on your side.

i cant find 3 cati fruit i dont see where the third fruit . my engish  is bad bc i'm vn 

That's an optional quest. You can skip it.

I have no idea on how to solve the fairy thing

(4 edits)

I've been wondering, Is the Stats level up a consistent rate, or is it Completely Random? I've been spamming "E" in the Inn to level up my strength for the past five minutes, I've gone through at least four (In-game) weeks, But I've yet to level up, I can't tell whether this is just an Inconsistent level-up rate as time goes on and your level eventually gets higher, But regardless, Not having a Level-up in that amount of time seems a bit Repetitive, (Unless of course you're extremely determined/With a lot of free-time on your hands) Anyway, Just felt like pointing that out.

Another thing!

Whenever I talk to Maggie In the cave, she just asks if I've explored the town already, the only Selective options I have are the Wardrobe change and leaving, nothing else has happened with her, even after I've had Mudbrick Reinforce the cave, that's the only bit of Dialogue she has, If I'm not mistaken she's been like this Since I booted the Ogres, Which was last night, but then again, I played the game for nearly ten hours straight, Mainly to progress the story, and, the reason I pointed out the Level-up rate seeming inconsistent, Because I can't Kill the Slime boss, As I currently am, anyway. Level 2 strength.

EDIT: As it Turns out, I am Level three with my strength stat, I think the slime boss is just stupid broken (Power-level wise)

Second edit: Well, I did it, Maggie is still asking that one line of text however.

Hi. The level-up rate for stats gets a bit longer for each level-up in the same category. So, level 2 strength will take a bit more time than level 1. Still, level 3 is the maximum, as the status screen clearly shows, and there's no point in trying to level it up higher.

Combat doesn't require grinding just timely use of your shield (slime's waterballs), running away from attacks that can't be blocked (slime's jump stomp), and attacking while the enemy is open.

If you don't know what to do next, use the quest journal from the on-map menu or Meggie's lamp from the item menu. These will tell you what to do next.

This may sound stupid but I heard that you are having problems with the android version of the game because the ATB is not working. Since I have some experience with the RPG maker mv, I thought I could try to put your game back into the normal combat system for the android version (and I'll adjust the skills accordingly).

 I wouldn't want any money for it either.

 I hope that was all formulated correctly, English is not my main language

Hello and thanks for the offer! Sadly, I don't think it will be the same game with the usual turn-based combat system. Real-time combat is one of the key features of the game.

Thanks for the answer.

(3 edits)

Got softlocked in the Leopold fight, he just moves but doesn't attack and I cant hurt him either, I saved just entering the battle as well as the auto save.

Edit: Nevermind, I just teleported with the fox crystal

What about andriod version we are still waiting for the update the last update what we have is 0.23?

Heya! Yes, the mobile version combined with the real-time combat system turned out to be a clusterfuck, so no dates for that. If you absolutely need to play on mobile, you can try out Joiplayer with the Windows version. Some players reported minor stuttering problems though.

Sure I'll try it out, and thank you for your swift reply, and all the best.


am i forced to pick a favorite girl or there will be a harem route?

There's no harem route at the moment, and I'm not sure if it will be in the game at all. Yes, you will have to pick a favorite girl for the ending

(1 edit)

Hey so im at the volcano boss,the dragon like mosnter,and i feel like i am not strong enought,i have a lot of these key items called Sparkling pearl and Moonstone says: dropping it into Maggie's flask will increase its capacity,but i dont know how to drop it in the flask can anyone help me.

 EDIT:Ive killed the volcan bosss,but now i need to find a place for me to fight the demon master of mariam and i dont find the place

These flask upgrades a used automatically once you'll go to sleep, the place doesn't matter. It could be your home cave or an inn. They don't disappear from your inventory after their effects are active, so just go catch some sleep and this will ensure all upgrades are active.

Mariam's boss is optional. You can find him in the volcanic zone, to the right of the entrance. Getting to him will require solving a labyrinth mini-puzzle.

Hi, I believe I've found a bug. It seems there are several progression barriers that are all stopping each other. I can't talk to Maggie about the tower because she says she wants a room. I can't buy the room because Mudbrick has no dialogue, and supposedly he's supposed to have a quest but it won't trigger. I can't complete Mariam's quest because as far as I can tell there's no where to get the slave choker yet. As far as I can see, I'm stuck.


There's a bug in the current version of the game that blocks Mudbrick from offering Maggie's room in the upgrades before you finish Mariam's quest with a slave choker. It's fixed in the upcoming v0.8.

As for the current version, you can finish Mariam's quest and then buy the upgrade. She says the slavers should be around Thula's outskirts. You'll find their base in the dangerous outskirts zone to the left of Thula's map entrance.



Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

hey ive got a problem,im doing the quest in ucca forest,that you need to find momo and ayane but i cant get past this strange i only fould 2 cacti fruit... i believe i need to get past that barrier to complete the twwo quests can someone tell me how to get past that barrier

EDITED: nvm i needed to advance more in the main quest

For the quest (the sword in the stone) it say find someone who knows about it , who do I have to ask ?

Just advance the main quest. In due time, it will reach out to you on its own.


Someone named "MIAgame" just posted your game on itch with the name "MonGirl Sexpedition".

Deleted 2 years ago

I don't see any other comment about it. 

(1 edit)

Forget what I said :) Sorry.


But I also wantet to say something about the copied game and I may have made a false accusation.

Huh... That's weird as hell. Well, nobody contacted me about making a mod or something like that, so I reported that to Itch support. Thanks for the info!


Needs more monstrous monster girls. Catgirls are great, sure, but we can do better than that.

how many sexable girls are in the game currently?

I can't seem to get my affection with Naka past the first 5 squares, not even to a scene with her.

I've gone into the forest and talked with her at least 20 times without anything happening, so is there something I'm missing?

This is before clearing out the ogre camp in version 0.70

Affection levels are capped by special interactions. Meet her in the inn in the evening to get the first scene. Clear the ogres and help Naka at the tower. These are the main points for her.

(1 edit)

I have done the last Mona scene, picked my fav girl, gone to the tower, done the rock puzzle and defeated the boss there, however my progress is at 98%, what exactly am I missing?

EDIT: I forgot to mention I had 100% in 0.60.

(1 edit)

No routes for the fox girl ayane yet? the one you meet at Arba'ad

How do I get the 4th heart for Mona ?

Interact with her and try out different scenes.

I seem to have a pretty annoying problem. So, I have my save in the saves file… but when I boot up the game it doesn’t show I have any save data. How do I recover my save and keep playing?

It seems either the game doesn't have rights to make save files or there's some kind of antivirus software being overzealous. To check the rights for the game to make save files, open MGS's folder properties and make sure your active user have the right to write and execute files there.

(2 edits)

~~alright, could I get like… a guide or directions on how to do that? I’m really not the most computer savvy person in the world and get lost easy. I do apologies I’m sure it is annoying~~

Edit: ignore the above I figure out how to go to properties and so far at least  from what I can tell all the properties have are allowed. I do use windows for anti-virus. I did hard close the game while I was playing by accident. Could that have been the cause? Didn’t have any issue till that happened 

edit to the edit: the more I look at the properties the more I don’t see anything specific about making saves

While checking the rights, make sure you chose your active user and not the default one. Then, makes sure the active user has read, write, and execute permissions for the entire folder and its contents. This should cover the "rights" aspect of the problem.

No, shutting down the game by a cross icon instead of menu exiting shouldn't affect anything except if you did that during the saving process itself. Even then, the save file should be in the save folder.

As for the antivirus software, most of them have an exclusion or ignore list. Try adding the game's folder to that list and test it out by starting a new game and making a save once you'll have the control.

why cant i download this on mac?

Contact Itch's support. The download links work fine for me.

(1 edit)

Anyone know how to do Nakas puzzle? any guides? What does it mean by in column or row one of us shall bestow what does it want from us? I got the bottom squares to make a row and nothing happend.

It's a sudoku puzzle.

(1 edit)

 How do  I increase Combat and Magic Stats?

You can just ignore these. They are remnants of earlier ideas that didn't fully appear in the game.

What do the yellow locks mean in the Girl's Journal?

Pretty sure they are to be added scenes that arent available as of now in the current game version but will get added in later versions.

(1 edit)

Is the locked talisman used for something as of now? Also I am missing the 4th scene in the gallery, would you be able to tell me which one that is?

You'll need to buy the looking glass from the forest trader first. Then, don't visit Mona for 4 days and check her shop. If everything is alright, you'll find a note on her door. Then, find her in the forest zone close to the waterfall and get the scene.

No, the locket is an item one of my patrons wanted to make and doesn't serve any practical purpose.

If its the mona scenes then I have all of them except from the locked one, although even though I have all of the Mariam scenes so far, the hearts are greyed out and my meter is at the 1st heart.

It's one of Mona's scenes if you are counting from left to right. First row, 4th scene.

Right, I have gotten the last scene, but my game is at 99% completion currently, do buried treasures count towards game completion or am I missing something else entirely?

Yes, all map treasures will give you 1 point towards the completion score.

How do I get the 3rd heart for Mona and 2nd heart for Naka?

Just interact with them

Is there going to be for Android

Hi, I finished most of the game and was doing side activities, namely the maps that you can get, and I can't for the life of me find the right spot for the Ghost's map, I checked both Neko Forest and Thula Outskirts and couldn't find it, would you be able to help me?


Hello. Try Niko forest, the part you visited for Mona's personal quest.

Where to find Momo and Ayane in Uccu Forest??

i need some help how do i drop items to my enchanted flask?

You don't. All upgrades become active on their own once you'll sleep at home or an inn.


1 how do i get the 3rd heart for Naka

2 how do i get the 2nd heart for Bella

3 how to get the 3rd heart for Elly

For some reason I can’t get the last cacti candy, I don’t know what I need to do

That's probably because it's behind the magical barrier in the desert and you need to progress the main quest to lift it.


I have a suggestion we need a dog character I think!

The main cast is already in the game, but I'll keep this idea for the extra content poll.

So, the public release of the 0.70 is April 4th ? I didn't undestood this point.

You can see all release dates on my Patreon.

I kinda want the code. What Patreon level do I need to get it?

You'll need the master's or higher tier.

i cant figure out how to arm wrestle mud-brick I've had him fuck mariam and i learned how to arm wrestle but when I go up to him it only asks to sell me stuff so it wont let me arm wrestle him it seems

Looks like you are already past that story point at your current progress and already beat Mudbrick.

здраствукйте, играю с пк, перекинул все сохранение в новую версию игры и пишет то что "вы не можете выполнить этот квест в текущей версии. следите за обновлениями в патроне 

что делать???

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