I don't have a clue? Such questions require detailed information.
First of all, you should check that you can make a regular save manually. If this is not the case, make sure that your active user has rights to write and execute for the game's folder.
i just played mongirl sexpedition, and i'm confused how to dig treasure, what button should i press? Or what tool should I use? on the map that has a mark, hope you guys reply to my message, thank you, keep up the work, I love this game.
To dig something up you'll need to use a shovel from the items menu. Hit escape or just use the right click to summon the on-map menu and then select items.
It was discontinued due to technical problems. You can try to use Joiplay and the Windows version yet I can't provide any kind of support in this case.
Great game! Played this right after finishing Yorna and the systems that carried over worked well in this game as well. Took me about 4-5 hours to complete the main story and the only big gripe I had was the floating fireball attack in bossfights: They could combo and stagger you and sometimes even instakill if you couldnt avoid them. 9/10
Err... I guess you are using an auto updater? Just download the game's zip based on the platform you are using from the main page and copy your save folder into the new release.
I have a wueation: how to eqip a weapon? A have a sword in my inventory, but when I select it nothing happens (only a 'beep' sound) and I still swing with a stick.
As for your question, check out where you are trying to use the sword. If it's in the items menu, you'll need to switch over to the equipment. Items are for directly usable stuff like a shovel or a recall scroll. Also, if we are talking about Ali's sword, it's a quest item and not usable before a certain step in the game.
To transfer your progress, you'll need to copy the entire save folder from the old release into the new one. Just make sure the folder goes into the same location "www" location. Otherwise or the game won't find it.
going in the niko forest and going into the puzzle dungeons :D in one of the chests there will be a ruby, not sure which one tho, youll just have to find out :(
Where is the 3rd cactus for Belle's quest? I have already gotten past the barrier in the desert but cant find the last cactus anywhere in there or elsewhere in the desert
You don't really need any potions. Between Maggie's flask and healing magic, you can beat everything without using extras like potions. Try not to facetank everything.
She's inside the tavern in the evening. If you are talking about getting inside Leopold's mansion, she's on a bench close to the city's gates at night.
It's sudoku, so you each row and column has to add up to 15, but you can not repeat numbers within that row or column, im pretty sure there is a guide somewhere on his youtube channel
witam mam problem, robię czarodziejskie zadanie i rozmawiam z Agatą, każe mi poczytać jakieś książki i nic nie mogę zrobić, nawet nie mogę dostać się do inwentarza vzu ktoś mi pomoże ??
I don't know if this is a me issue but I made a save in v 0.7 at the point you can sleep in the bed to choose your favorite girl as it was wrote that once you chose you can't do other stuff, I played through the 0.8 content after choosing Mona and was able to see Elly's new scene after finishing the game, but when I tried to reload that save before the favorite girl choice, I can't get the scene with Elly to trigger.
Edit: re-downloaded with the hotfix version and quickly played through the entire game again, checked with Elly after every main story point to try and get the scene to appear, did not unlock and am back to the part where I have to select favorite girl. Is Elly's 4th scene intended to only be unlocked after you beat the game?
Elly's last scene triggers after either choosing her as your favorite girl or in the free-play mode after getting a good ending. Just don't forget to choose the free mode instead of staying loyal if you chose a different girl.
I think it's a bug that Maggie's enchanted flask only works twice. Sleeping does nothing. The "enchanted flask" item is just gone. I've tried sleeping at home and at the inn in Bright Meadows. I've tried sleeping various durations, and several times in a row. Once a "charge" is used, it never comes back.
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i restarted my pc and all my saves are gone when i spent 3 hours on the game is there a way to fix it?
I don't have a clue? Such questions require detailed information.
First of all, you should check that you can make a regular save manually. If this is not the case, make sure that your active user has rights to write and execute for the game's folder.
i just played mongirl sexpedition, and i'm confused how to dig treasure, what button should i press? Or what tool should I use? on the map that has a mark, hope you guys reply to my message, thank you, keep up the work, I love this game.
To dig something up you'll need to use a shovel from the items menu. Hit escape or just use the right click to summon the on-map menu and then select items.
Could you possibly make it so you can change the character name?
why on this website There is no android version to download.
It was discontinued due to technical problems. You can try to use Joiplay and the Windows version yet I can't provide any kind of support in this case.
Great game! Played this right after finishing Yorna and the systems that carried over worked well in this game as well. Took me about 4-5 hours to complete the main story and the only big gripe I had was the floating fireball attack in bossfights: They could combo and stagger you and sometimes even instakill if you couldnt avoid them. 9/10
how to update the game without losing my progress?
Err... I guess you are using an auto updater? Just download the game's zip based on the platform you are using from the main page and copy your save folder into the new release.
Will any of the files work for JoiPlay?
It works on joiplay
When will v0.90 be released to everyone?
v0.8 is the last public version planned for MonGirl Expedition
Find the hot springs around the dangerous outskirts of Thula and invite Mona. Help Naka to solve the puzzle in the mysterious tower.
how do i increase jack's strength?
Help Ben the bartender in Bright Meadows' inn.
and what about magic and combat skills...
They are deleted in v0.95
i cant seem to locate all the cactus fruits does anybody know where they are located?
You need to advance the main quest to lift the barrier in the desert zone.
I am stuck in the sword in the stone mission someone help me
It's an optional quest so you can skip it.
the sword randomly calls you after doing main quests for a while
Hi Yeehaw Game, thanks for an amazing game!
I have a wueation: how to eqip a weapon? A have a sword in my inventory, but when I select it nothing happens (only a 'beep' sound) and I still swing with a stick.
Hello! Glad you like it ^^
As for your question, check out where you are trying to use the sword. If it's in the items menu, you'll need to switch over to the equipment. Items are for directly usable stuff like a shovel or a recall scroll. Also, if we are talking about Ali's sword, it's a quest item and not usable before a certain step in the game.
how do you transfer save data to the new version? I've gone a good ways through the game but the save data didn't transfer so how do i fix that?
To transfer your progress, you'll need to copy the entire save folder from the old release into the new one. Just make sure the folder goes into the same location "www" location. Otherwise or the game won't find it.
ok thank you for the help
I can't figure out the puzzle in leopold's first domain area, the one with the rolling stones
You can skip it or return to it later. Or try looking up a solution.
How do you unlock the 4th scene in the gallery?
I have a question, how do I increase Naka's esteem to level 1 and level 2?
Do her quest after meeting Naka in Bright Meadows' inn in the evening
How do i find a Ruby for Elly?
going in the niko forest and going into the puzzle dungeons :D in one of the chests there will be a ruby, not sure which one tho, youll just have to find out :(
puzzle dungeons?
The ones with rolling balls as traps. You can get inside in the "ruin" type of zone in the deep Niko forest.
Where is the 3rd cactus for Belle's quest? I have already gotten past the barrier in the desert but cant find the last cactus anywhere in there or elsewhere in the desert
You need to advance the main quest to lift the barrier in the desert zone.
why only 5 potions? seriously, it's not really enough in combat.....
You don't really need any potions. Between Maggie's flask and healing magic, you can beat everything without using extras like potions. Try not to facetank everything.
No, it was planned as impassable terrain.
Does anyone know how to get past Leopold Mansion puzzle in the base ment I have tried for hours
Just use your head. If you can't solve it, either skip it or look up a solution.
I can't find Rena near the Thula's tavern in the evening. Can someone help?
She's inside the tavern in the evening. If you are talking about getting inside Leopold's mansion, she's on a bench close to the city's gates at night.
Hey I just checked and I don't see her anywhere
where to find momo and ayane in the desert? pls help i'm unable to go forward with the quest
and i can't increase mariam's affection how to do that?
You probably need to advance the main quest to lift the barrier in the desert zone.
How do i do that
Apk when
how to solve the number puzzle in volcano?
It's sudoku, so you each row and column has to add up to 15, but you can not repeat numbers within that row or column, im pretty sure there is a guide somewhere on his youtube channel
this puzzle is little bit easy when starting at the center.
thanks for giving the hint.
Where is the place you duel with the demon for Mariam's side quest?
follow the knight statue.
is there a date for the 1.0 version?
Does this game have a cheat??
No, aside from the gallery unlock code.
There are several walkthroughs for harder puzzles. You can find these on Youtube or my Patreon.
At what point do you choose your favorite girl?
Towards the ending of the main quest. You can't miss it.
Will there be a Android version?
I am running this game on windows but the game doesn't work any advise?
Sorry, my crystal ball is broken, so I can't make the clairvoyance ritual. Any errors?
Where do i find the slave choker for Mariam?
Thula's dangerous outskirts, slave base just as the quest states. Use your quest journal.
witam mam problem, robię czarodziejskie zadanie i rozmawiam z Agatą, każe mi poczytać jakieś książki i nic nie mogę zrobić, nawet nie mogę dostać się do inwentarza vzu ktoś mi pomoże ??
I don't know if this is a me issue but I made a save in v 0.7 at the point you can sleep in the bed to choose your favorite girl as it was wrote that once you chose you can't do other stuff, I played through the 0.8 content after choosing Mona and was able to see Elly's new scene after finishing the game, but when I tried to reload that save before the favorite girl choice, I can't get the scene with Elly to trigger.
Edit: re-downloaded with the hotfix version and quickly played through the entire game again, checked with Elly after every main story point to try and get the scene to appear, did not unlock and am back to the part where I have to select favorite girl. Is Elly's 4th scene intended to only be unlocked after you beat the game?
Elly's last scene triggers after either choosing her as your favorite girl or in the free-play mode after getting a good ending. Just don't forget to choose the free mode instead of staying loyal if you chose a different girl.
Ok thank you! I thought it was unlockable before that since in the changelog it just says to go to her once you have high enough affection level.
That's part of the requirements too
I think it's a bug that Maggie's enchanted flask only works twice. Sleeping does nothing. The "enchanted flask" item is just gone. I've tried sleeping at home and at the inn in Bright Meadows. I've tried sleeping various durations, and several times in a row. Once a "charge" is used, it never comes back.
Found the problem. Please re-download the game or swap the file from this post.
where is Facesmasha is the slime forest i cant find him anywhere and im starting to think i broke my game some how
Check the Western side of the Slime forest entrance.
i forgot how to switch between potion
i need help with the cave with the 9 changeable pressure plates