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i just got the game. How do I progress the relationship with Naka?

when will 0.99  be released

Is there a chance this get ported to android?

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Dude, just grab JoiPlay on google store or whatever. Not sure which plugin needed, I grabbed both.

Instruction: press the + button, locate the exe file, play :)

happy nnn, gl everyone

Defeated the final boss only for the GAME TO CRASH. 


Any details you can provide will be very important for potential troubleshooting. Any error windows? Any details at all?

Will this game available to purchase after final update release? If able to purchase, I won't mind for waiting the game update until final

Yes, I was planning to make such an option after releasing the final build.


I've come here from nowhere

Across the unforgiving sea

Drifting further and further

It's all becoming clear to me

But violent winds are upon us and I can't sleep

Internal temperatures rising and all the voices won't recede

I've finally found what I was looking for

A place where I can be without remorse

Because I am a stranger who has found an even stranger war

I've finally found what I was looking for

Here I come

I sharpen the knife and look down upon the bay

For all of my life a stranger I remain

A stranger I remain

A stranger I remain

I cannot get any more s*x scenes for Naka after I reach affection 2 I cannot reach affection 3   is it locked or a glitch I keep chatting with her for an hour and nothing is happening

Help her in the mysterious tower. Some affection levels require doing something for a girl, just like in this case.

How do i complete this puzzle?

You can look up solutions on my Patreon or Youtube channel.


Thanks for not excluding Linux and MacOS. Most games dont have a Linux or MacOS port. 

Can someone tell me how to get the sword in the stone?

it'll call you on it's own after some time keep completing your main quests till then and you'll get the sword later

Deleted 2 years ago

It happens on its own once you'll go to sleep in the inn or at home

I'm struggling with this this puzzle. I couldn't find a guide on it like with the other difficult ones, how do I do it?

how do i set full screen?

hey im kinda stuck in the ancient tower puzzle can you help me?

Oh nvm i did it somehow

Was curious if there is an android version planned or a way to play on android

At the moment, the only way is to use Joiplay app for Android. Though, I can't guarantee anything since it's dependent on your hardware and software

Hi i have downloaded your game and I want to play (mac) I have tried using your guide and it unfortunately hasnt worked, i have tried using chmod a+x and chmod +x to fix it and once it opens it immediately shows a  nwjs quit unexpectedly, and i dont know how to fix it i have searched this for a week now and so i am here to beg for help.

Hello! That's strange. The only idea I have is that you are running in an incompatible operating system version. RPG Maker engine can be picky about this, and there's a strict list of supported OS versions for Mac, unlike Windows where pretty much everything goes.

As for the help, I'm afraid the only idea I can come up with is to maybe run the game via your browser. There's an entry in the Linux FAQ about this. It may not apply directly as-is to MacOS platform but should give you the general idea. Aside from this, there's an option to experiment with the nwjs version. But it's not recommended if you aren't sure what you are doing. Tinkering with it may cause side effects with other software you have installed.

Hi i just saw this but i was just browsing other games and found this that worked with your games, you dont have to change what you have but it worked for my fairly new macbook pro.

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so the two main parts is after you open terminal you copy paste "sudo xattr -r -d " (with the space at the end) then drag and drop the game, click enter and type in password. 

After wards you click into "show package contents" and then into "Macos" and type in "chmod +x " into terminal and drag and drop the one file in "Macos"

Glad it worked out in the end! I've added this solution with your credit to the FAQ so other players could have an alternative solution if the original didn't work for them.

I use joyplay to play the game on android it works perfectly though i dont know how to update it and keep my saves does someone know how? 

How do i interact with the tiles on the puzzle naka has trouble with???

By clicking or using the action button (Enter by default). Not all of these tiles are interactable.

Can you make game on android?


Compressed download f95 just got to use joiplay but does work I got to work for me

In the end of the game it asks you if you want the favorite girl option to stay if i say yes can i undo it later or is it forever?

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You can enter the free-play option after the ending sequence, but can't change your favorite girl for the ending itself. So, in short, you can still go out with other girls if you want via the freeplay mode, but the ending will be set with your first choice.

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I have like 4 different spells and i cant equip them it just makes the beep sound i try to quip them on skills am i doing it wrong im still with the starting spell

You are using the skills menu from the on-map menu. Both items and skills for active combat are chosen via dedicated buttons - page up and page down by default. You can change these in the options.


Does anyone know who knows about the sword in the stone

Just progress the main quest line. You'll get to it later.

Just wondering if an android version is planned.

JoiPlay is the one and only way to run the game on mobile devices. No guarantees though.

please update the public version

btw where do find the rest of naka's quests after the ogre camp?


Help her with the puzzle and treasure hunting in the tower.

Thank you

How do I defeat mubrick in arm wrestle? I've tried pressing spamming the left and right button when arrows pointed at those directions but i always lose is this a bug? Or is it cause I played it thru joiplay?


increase strength by working in the Inn first and then go to mudbrick and if you're struggling click on the easy mode in arm wrestling 

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hii can you pls suggest how to defeat the slave trader boss i'm having a bit of trouble in it 

Hello. It's the same as all other bosses. Check out their attacks and find a way to counter them. For example, slime's fireballs have an audio cue before appearing and can be blocked without losing any HP if you will face in the right direction. On the other hand, its jump attack can only be avoided by running out of the way, so save a bit of stamina.

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oh thanks a lot ehe any hints about the jenie tho? :D

btw thanks for improving the bugs i started playing again since a few days back again and it's surely feels better

It's the same deal. Check out the attacks and figure out a way to block or evade them. Sort of like a mini puzzle in the real-time mode. Or just facetank some damage and deplete their HP faster than they drain yours. It's a playstyle thing too.

Glad to hear that the improvements are noticeable. I look into all reports from players about weird behavior and potential bugs. If you'll encounter anything strange - send me a message with details and I'll check it out.

Just finished the main story and DAMN man, these puzzles are hard as hell. Still, a great game

Glad you liked the game ^^ Consider leaving a rating so more players could find it.

Hello, i cant find the "place for a duel" in Last Ties, the treasure of the ghost map and im stuck in Naka´s  route, when i talk to she in the forest i can only share stories and in the inn  share stories and invite to hot springs

Hi! You need to go through a labyrinth on the right from the entrance to reach the boss for Mariam's questline. To advance Naka's relationship, you need to help her solve a puzzle and dig up a treasure in the tower. Find her in the puzzle zone itself.

How do I find out which puzzle zone I been in two underground tower puzzle I didn't see her in that was niko forest 

Hey, been enjoying the game thus far but I am stuck on the "into the noble quarter" quest where you are supposed to go into the desert and look for abnormalities. I've checked the forest and town at day and night but am not sure what I am supposed to be looking for. Could anyone lend a helping hand?

Find the swirling magic barrier in the Ucca forest, the zone with a ladder that leads into the puzzle cave.

oh thank you, I saw the barrier but didn't think about interacting with the barrier

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i beat morgul, but didn't see the disk until the screen fade started from me leaving the room, and when i went back to get it, it was gone (on version 0.80, so don't  know if you have done something to fix it in one of the updates that i don't have access to)


Hmm, no, I didn't change anything there. I'll think about how to sidestep this.

hi, the magus release wave for 0.95 was one month ago, is there a reason why the public version is still in 0.80?

Hello! The public version will stay the same since the free demo already includes the full story. Other versions are reserved for people who support me and allow making the games.

Hello, unfortunately I come with some bugs. Something to keep in mind is I did try to unlock everything I could before completing the main story and would only progress the main story once I felt convinced I wasn't able to unlock anything else. I would also take breaks from the main story to continue unlocking things as they opened up. I did look through the release logs of the versions I don't have access to (as I only have 0.8) to see if the issues were fixed in later releases in hopes of not sharing something you're already aware of. Sorry if I did anyways.
Also I would like to say that I do greatly enjoy the game, even with the bugs.

- I've encountered an issue where Naka no longer appears at the inn in the evenings, I think this glitch has permanently locked me out of the only scene I am missing. I could be wrong, but it's the best guess I have as I just found What I believe to be a Naka related item with the help of some small friends and encountering her in the forest doesn't allow me to use it.

- one of Mona's scenes (more accurately a fetch quest which unlocks a scene) only became accessible after I unlocked free play. It brought her love from four hearts down to 3 (thankfully didn't lock me out of anything though).

- Another Mona scene didn't unlock until after free play, not sure if this foxy scene was meant to be locked until then or not, so potential bug?

- Mariam doesn't seem to progress beyond 1 heart. I mean I think I unlocked all the scenes for her, so it's more of a peace of mind fix, because it keeps making me think I have more to unlock.

- Mariam's fuck scene didn't unlock until after free play.

- Wasn't able to buy the alchemy book upgrade for the super potions (or was it just large potions?) until after unlocking free play.

- Elly's gift scene didn't unlock until after free play was unlocked.

These are all the (potential) bugs I have encountered, that I can remember. I don't think I've encountered anything else. Keep up the good work though.

Heya and thanks for the feedback! Naka should still be in the village, just help her to get down from the tree. Dog's barking should give you a hint. After this, she'll be back in the inn during the evenings.

If you didn't pick Mona as your favorite girl, her last scenes should be locked, that's correct. It still should be activated during her dialogue in the free-play mode.

Err... Mariam's progression was fixed in one of the later patches if I remember this correctly. Either way, her progression is tied to quest progression. Plus, you can't choose Mariam as your favorite girl and you can't get her scenes after picking your favorite, aside from some "happy" accidents.

The alchemy book becomes available for purchase after you finish either the snow leopard's zone or finish Mariam's quest with magic essence.

The same goes for Elly. She needs to be your favorite girl for you to get her last scenes. That or you'll need to use the free-play mode.

Either way, thanks for the tips!

Just started and this already flucking gold. Thank you Yeehaw Games for this monstrosity of a gem. Keep up the bloody amazing work.


Thanks, glad you liked the game! ^^

Consider leaving a rating. This way more players will find out about MonGirl Expedition.

How do you get gallery scene 4?

how do you transfer save when a new version drops?

Just download the game's zip based on the platform you are using from the main page and copy your save folder into the new release.

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this is a tricky puzzle, I don't understand how to solve it

It's a take on the classic magic cube. The hint states that each line you can make inside the "cube" will be equal to 15. You can change most of the plates except the darker ones. So, the central horizontal line is 1+5+x=15, therefore x=9.

nice (can someone help me with this please?)

Looks like you didn't try looking up MacOS FAQ. It's there for a reason.

i spent 2 hours and i got back to where i was but now when i talk to agatha to get the magic after im done the game just crashes,i know hitting shift hides the bar but ive tried and nothing happens.Ive tried restarting it and it still freezes

That's weird. Did you use a save editor or something like that? If not, send me your entire save folder zipped to I'll look into this.

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