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Does the Steam version and the paid version on Itch have the same content or is there one version lacking behind?

Oddest glitch I've encountered so far.... unless it isn't a glitch but an easter egg??? I'm unsure

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Well, this gets a new meaning for "can't take my eyes off you", isn't it?

To fix this, I'll need more details when and how you got that effect

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Honestly, all I did was fight one of those snow moths, If I recall correctly. I haven't had the issue since but, I'll try to recreate it, so I can figure out what went wrong!

I made it to the two chests at the "under the sea puzzle" and it wont let me pick up any orbs or anything, how do I fix this?

Well, you finished the puzzle, and the orbs became inactive because you no longer need them.

there is no way to escape once i get to the end


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Use Youtube solution or skip it.

I hope to have a Simplified Chinese version available

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Hello. Sadly, I don't plan to add other languages until the current active game will be finished. Perhaps then.

How do i get the fire essence from the desert?

Also were do i find fell extracts?

Chest in the bridge-like section close to the puzzle

Just wondering, since ive seen other games that have this, but does anyone know after beating the game is there a room that unlocks where you are able to refight bosses and such? I know the game "Sailor Splendor" has a mechanic like that and I believe a few others too but after finishing at least the main story of this game I cant seem to find it so am unsure if this is in the game or not.

No, there is no such room in Yorna. Though, after finishing the main story, you are free to finish all the optional stuff.

Sorry if this bothers you but how do i get to slut level 69? Im at level 56 but no matter how many monsters i surrender to none of the lewd skills are leveling up.

You don't need to get that level. It was partly a joke, so don't bother.

I love this

I've been seeing a lot of other games that look like this, like the same assets and mechanics. Does anyone know the name of this genre.. and where can you make your own?


Look up RPG Maker. It's a game engine.

Love the game so far, one little niggle. On android tablet (so no keyboard/mouse) to open the menu, I tap the menu button which is in the bottom right of the screen. Unfortunately this moves the character in the direction of the button before opening the menu. This makes using the shovel to dig in a particular spot really awkward.

I can't finish the master Ryan mission why


I need more details to provide an answer.

I start a new game and it works


i can't play on mac for some reason it just goes into a black screen once i boot up the gam

Mac is pretty picky about RPG Maker games. If you didn't already, check out this FAQ post. If it doesn't help, there's nothing I can do to help. If you are running anything modern as the operating system, it's officially not supported by the game engine. This is not my judgment, RPG Maker devs directly say this in the game engine manual.

ok thank you it worked 


What's the shady guy password in grey camp?

It's a part of Patreon rewards.

Also how do I enter the winter zone and volcano zone?

You enter any zone by walking into it and either you will enter the exploration mode on the auto if the boss is still there or by hitting enter. If you can't enter any zone - follow the main quest.


Sao tôi đánh yona r mà ko mở được bản đồ toàn cầu

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I wish this game had more cutscenes

where can I find the dragon girl 

Is there any walkthrough available


Possibly there's one in Steam discussions. At least I remember one being written, but I don't know about its status. Guess it's worth a shot. Also, don't forget that you have the help function in the on-map menu

thanks :)

You are welcome ^^

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can someone tell me what to do about my question down here 👇

how do I help auther and find the bandits 

The bandits are in the tent icon on the global map. I don't know who is auther.

ok thank you I will find this guys name so I can get help

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so his name is Arthur and I can’t find the bandits it tell me that I have to a find a person in the forest near the town

If it's not the camp that I already mentioned previously, I don't know what this is about. It's not part of the main quest, so feel free to skip it.

ok thanks

How can I get over the broken bridge 

Go around through the mountains and repair it

how can I get to the mountains 

Did you try walking? Zones on the global map react to your movement. Once you interact with the zone that you can explore, it will bring up the zone info or just bring you to the local map.

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No it said that I need to help auther and find some bandits how do I do this?

Android 14, Samsung brand. MGS still doesnt connect to the lovense remote app, will try desktop as soon as the usb comes in, but been months

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I've had the same issue... I put in my information but it just won't connect. It'll adjust the volume and the link to the website goes just fine, but it won't connect to the app for whatever reason. Is that how it is for you? When you hit connect it just doesn't connect? It's kind of upsetting because I like to play this mobile because it's easier for me. I haven't been able to play the game in months.

Edit to add I am also Android 14 and brought up this issue the comment says over 100 days ago. T.T

Well, I didn't make any changes to the game code, so this issue is either tied to your platform and/or operating system. I already double checked the current release, and everything works fine. Can't test our your hardware and software combo, so can't say anything concrete on the issue.

The only thing I can suggest is to run the game on a desktop.


My game is bugged i need to tame the fire crystal but i beat ayane before that and now i cant find her anymore not in the castle nowhere also not in her shrine please help

Well, being able to recognize bugs at a stray glance is a handy superpower... Too bad it doesn't come with a "provide sufficient details" effect.

Check out the help function in the on-map menu. It will give you a hint on what to do next. Ayane should be in the kitsune shrine within the pine forest, close to the pool. Either way, I can't say anything concrete without any details about what step you are on. The help function text should be a good reference point.

she is also not at the pond at the shrine i beat her before getting the fire crystal and i only have the vagabond quest. Talk to people in town and thats it

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Well, send me your entire save folder zipped either here or via, and I'll take a look at a later date.

Also, did you use any save editors/cheats/ file modding?

nope i did not use any of those and how do i upload the save file?

Use your email to send it.


'Too bad it doesn't come with a "provide sufficient details" effects.' brother woke up and choose violence 

How can i unlock "mino - domination" scene? Idk who is mino

Mino is short for minotaur. You'll encounter them during the main quest line and can't miss it. As for how to get the domi scene - just as usual, use only seduction spells in battle.

How do I get a seduction spell?

Just like you do with most other skills - through dresses. Progress the main plot far enough and you'll get the option later. Also, don't forget to visit the seamstress store in the first village. She gets more dresses with the main quest progression.

Best game i have ever played

Glad you liked the game ^^ Consider leaving a rating so other plater could find the game easier.

Amazing game, I love the different outfits and how each has abilities you can unlock, but then you don't have to keep wearing it to use the ability once you master it. Great mechanic.

"Yorna_Lovense.apk" Does this mean that this apk has Lovense support? I can connect a Lovense toy to the Android version of the game?

Yes, you should be able to connect your Lovense toy with that version. Check out this FAQ post for details on how to connect your devices.

where to find the gallery?

Did you start the game? It's in the main menu.

Apparently I have an old version

If you are referring to the public version, then no, it didn't receive any updates. Yet the gallery still should be in the main menu that you see after starting the executable.

The Mac version just doesn't work for me...


Mac is very picky about RPG Maker games. If you didn't already, check out this FAQ post. If it doesn't help, there's nothing I can do to help. If you are running anything modern as the operating system, it's officially not supported by the game engine. This is not my judgment, RPG Maker devs directly say this in the game engine manual.

Which monster is the best to grind up lvls?

I guess the last location you unlocked during the main quest, but why do you even want to grind levels?

For fun I guess, but ya i just wanted to know thx!

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The game is great, but Save does not work. Everytime the game is closed, Save files get wiped. No ability to Continue next day. Ruins the game. On Windows. Only version I've ever downloaded. Not transferring files. I've re-downloaded, still nothing. Save Folder simply does not work in Windows. 

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Saving works just fine. Check that your active user has the rights to write in the game's folder. And the folder is not set to read only. Check your antivirus software and so on.

This has been a really fun game so far!! A little confusing but in a good way xD it's fun to get lost with all these monster girls around xP thooough, I've been getting to face Yorna in Riverdale (what a change in scenary!) and I'm wondering, how much of the game is left? 👀 

Also, does anyone know how to get to the top floor of the Baron's mansion? I saw the scene in the gallery with him and I really want to get it in game 👀 


Glad you liked! Consider leaving a rating. This will help more players to find the game.

As for the content left, it's roughly 50-40% left, depending on the optional quests, activities and other stuff like cutscenes.

To get the special scene in the mansion, get a present from a client based on how well you impressed him. After this, talk with the reception maid and this should be the starting point. Also, I think it won't trigger if you already opened the full gallery via the Patreon code.

Does the main character transform into a monster girl yeeshaw games

No, she doesn't

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i have one more dress to find and its the regal one where it could be found

also i need to find the priestess dress

Have you thought about adding pregnancy

Not in the near future, no

how do I get to the air essence?

Hello i just found this game and it's truly worth 1.5 gigabytes used up. nice Game!

I'm also still trying to learn the mechanics of the game.


Hi. Glad you liked the game. As for mechanics, there aren't any complex bits. Ada's lewd level increases both lewd damage dealt and received. You can manage Ada's lewd level with consumables. If you are stuck on a puzzle, feel free to skip it since 95% of them are option. Or just look up a solution on my Youtube channel.

Thank you

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on the steam version some of the scenes arent there mostly the bosses. I have the free public version pulled up alongside the steam version and i see that the forest boss has a cg but the steam version doesnt have that same cg.

Edit: I just bought the full game on itch and noticed it doesnt have it here either.


That's because Leary's scene was deemed heretical and it got the axe. Distribution platforms don't like small characters. At all. The updated public version will have it removed too

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Hey I played the public version and enjoyed it so far! I was thinking of buying the full version of the game which are 20$ if I understood that correctly. (First time buying from

And I saw that there is a steam version of the game which I can't see because those games are banned in my country, would it be possible to get a steam key after I showed you the receipt or something that I bought it? Since I like having games on steam to not lose track of things.

If not that's totally okay! Love your work 


Full version of the game on Itch and Steam are identical. Since Yorna is a finished game, I don't plan any updates aside from some minor improvements. So, if you have trouble getting the game on Steam, go with Itch's option and don't worry.

Is there a right way to overcome these challenges? Or is it random?

No, puzzles aren't random. If you have trouble - just look up the solution. Like this one.


With the lovense mobile version I can't seem to get it to connect with my phone. Both the IP and the port #s are correct and I'm hitting connect but nothing doing. Hitting the buy a toy button works though. Lol Not sure what I'm doing wrong. T.T


Check out this FAQ post. It has the full walkthrough on the connection

I have all the info put in correctly, just for some reason when I tap "Connect toys" it's like it's not tapping anything and I'm not sure what's happening.

Hmm... Try changing the connection type in the options to the desktop and back to mobile to ensure it's in the correct position. Also, can you activate your toy from the phone directly?

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I've tried both of those things too before you mentioned. I've even tried taking it OFF of my Wi-Fi network. 🤣 I just have no idea. I'm downloading it on my old phone to see if it's a 36 or whatever to a 64bit problem. And yeah, toys work fine on the phone. I use my phone with the Windows version and it works perfectly. So I'm not sure what's up with the mobile one...

Edit: okay, so I didn't think it would be a bit thing, it still didn't work. I'm using an android device. I am so sorry. I might just have to stick to the Windows version for a while, especially if I'm the anomaly. Lol

That's weird... I'll double-check it, but I never had such problem during the testing. Of course, there are millions of different devices and I can't possibly test them all out, still it's strange.

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