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why cant i get the maid dress on it says i need slut level or idk

You don't need slut level to craft or equip the maid dress. I don't know where did you get this idea.

(3 edits)

How can Ada have sex with the Baron? Is it randomly activated, or do we have to meet certain conditions? I got the scene once (after sex with one of the clients) but loaded the game to a previous point and not getting the scene again.

Also, who is Serena? (Description please)

You already unlocked the scene in the gallery and if you want to watch it again - using the gallery is the fastest way.

Serena is Ada's stepsister. Exploring the game is part of the overall experience, I'm not sure why you are asking the dev instead of discovering this yourself.

Sorry for the second part (it's hard to keep track of names when you play too many games).

Yes I unlocked the Baron scene in the gallery, but I reloaded the game to before I meet the Baron and not able to get it again within the game.

How do I get the dominant scenes? Already completed the game and I didn't get any of them

Defeat enemies only with lust magic like "Seduce" and "Lust Bolt" to get these.

(1 edit)

Hey, the underwater puzzle still doesn't work for me. I asked about this puzzle in the last version of Yorna. I can take the orb in the center of the row and can change the color but it won't let me place it back.

If Ada's commenting your attempt on placing the or with "No effect", this means you are trying to fit the incorrect orb. Try changing is color using the neighbor spheres as tips.

Thank you


I finished all contants at android so I want to backup my savefiles.

how can I do it?

Hi! You don't need to backup saves explicitly for future releases. After installing new apk, the game will still keep your progress across the versions.

If you want to extract save files to place them on other device, sorry, can’t help you there. It’s technically possible to transfer the saves somewhere else yet this involves root access. I decided not to write any guides on this since something may go wrong by chance and tempering with root access voids most warranty cases.

(1 edit)

I'm fully understand and thank you for made stunning game! xoxo


whats the password for the shady guy? and where do I get clothes for other climates?

It's a Master or greater tier reward on Patreon to unlock the whole gallery. There are no limited scenes so you can get them all by playing.

As for the climate zones, you don't need new clothes but rather master elements with Ayane's help. Just follow the main plot to do so. If stuck, check out the help function in the on-map menu.

Ah ok, that makes more sense

Help is not much help when it says to get fell essence and a fire element, yet I've never encountered either in the playthrough, and the way to the volcano area (where I assume fire is) is locked.

(1 edit) (-1)

How do I get the ceremonial dress?

Can't answer you since there's no ceremonial dress in the game at the moment. At least by this name.

I've beaten the story, completed all the sidequests (I think) and collected all the dresses and scenes in the gallery but it says I've cleared 91% of the content. how do I complete it? I want 100% since I liked the game so much but I'm stuck.  'help' option in menu desn't give me anything D:

Did you clear Octa church's questline and watched their scene in the confession zone? The same goes for vagabond's camp. Perhaps you missed something in the mansion? Also, did you reforge the puzzle sword from pieces?

yeah I cleared the vagabonds camp and octa church's questlines. The puzzle sword is companion right? if so I reforged it and I'm pretty sure I did everything in the mansion like getting the lower floor scenes and the one with baron. I think I may have missed a treasure or something. also, do I have every dress? I think I do but just to be sure lol

Hmm... What about the alchemist's quest in the first village close to Ada's castle? That's pretty much everything I can think of.

i did the quest to help her brew the lust draft but when I talk to her she says she's prepairing for some experimenting on her own and to ''check back later'' because maybe I can help with some ingredients. is this it?

No, that's actually the final phase of her quest. Hmm... Well, I can't actually remember all optional activities after all this time. Either way, you beat the game already.

I don't know how to get the fire essence lol which root do I need to climb down?

It was in the chest you already opened. Just talk with Ayane.

Deleted 4 years ago

how do i get alchemist's potions?

After completing her quest.

I just wanted to point out that blackjack has dealer rules. The dealer takes cards as long as he is below 17.

It's a local version. I mean fireballs are fine, lightning strikes and instantaneous healing are ok but local blackjack is completely unbelievable, right? ^^

Yes that's unbelievable! Btw great game but i can't seem to find the last 5%. Is the regal dress and the priestress dress still in the game?

Yes, both dresses are in the game from the moment they were added. As for the clear %, check out secondary quests for vagabonds and the church, H mansion and the alchemist in the first village.

Just got a new tablet, any way to move my saves with android?

Sorry, can’t help you there. It’s technically possible to transfer the saves yet this involves root access. I decided not to write any guides on this since something may go wrong by chance and tempering with root access voids most warranty cases.

how do i get to Mortimer's tower?


The snowy region, past the mountains.

Why i cant find water essence, stuck more than 1 hour just to find it huhuhu

After defeating the succubus in the crystal cave, look for the glowing crystal in the boss room.

Thank you sir 4 info

(1 edit)

I am unable to download the 1.03 version of the game.

When I try to download it this happens.

I click on Install and...

The same thing happened with the 1.0c version of Yorna and I had to download the game off a zip file and play the game all over again. I love your game but I don't feel like playing it all over again just to see a few new scenes. Do you know how I can transfer save data between zip files?

Edit: just to let you know I'm on windows.

Well, I tried disabling and re-enabling dowload packs - try it out. If this won't fix the problem for you, I'm afraid contacting support will be the wisest move.

Yes, you can transfer save files via copying your entire save folder into the new release. I'm writing this info in each game release post.

What you did fixed the problem. Thank you.

I love this game

although I had got headache cuz 2hours+ I play for finding sand cave in early game hahaha,,,

I new here, I has just download this game yesterday n complete all story n unlock all scene now,,,

Thanks for ur hardwork <3

btw is there any game similar like this? 🤣🤣🤣

(1 edit)

hi wondering how do you get more of baron basement client scenes? if you even can

More? There are 2 H scenes in the basement and that's it. I'm not sure, what do you mean by "more"?

Ah, i thought the other rooms were something you could complete

Hi, just wondering about the significance of Mirena at the end? Who is she?

That would be a spoiler for Yorna's second part ^^. In short, there's a certain circle of mages who watches closely for potential candidates, even on different planes.

(2 edits)

How can I quickly raise my slutness level? 

 How do you get to level 69?


I'm not sure why you want to do this but you can use alchemist's potions to increase lewd level. But this will increase lewd damage taken from enemies.

I cant find any of the new things past 1.0 am I missing somethin

Well, that depends on what are you looking for exactly.


does someone knows which roots/vines to use to get the fire essense?

There's only 1 zone with a lot of roots/vines in the desert.

Is there a scene I can see after finishing the ending?

No, not at the moment. There's only a string of cutscenes depending on your decisions in the game,

Does anyone know how to get fire essense? I've been looking in the dessert for about half an hour, and I feel like if it was a snake it would of bit me.

Climb the roots/vines down in the bridge-like zone.

Thank you for replying. It took me long enough but I think I got the hang of things. You are good at making a game not only *sexual*, but very fun. I would play even without scenes  9.9/10 Honestly can't wait for more. (if that's what you are planning on doing that is..)


what is password for shady guy[the password at your castle

It's part of Patreon's reward, Master tier and higher. This code will unlock the gallery.

i also wanna know

Well, nothing changed from that time. It's still a Master or greater tier reward on Patreon to unlock the whole gallery. There are no limited scenes so you can get them all by playing.

It is very Awesomeee and very interesting game . Amzing story .I hope you create more games like yorna .

Thanks! Glad you liked Yorna this much.

If you guess the code long enough youll crack it like i did

H do i find blue herb on the map i search and can t find it , before the bridge has been built    

You can find a lot of these in Ayane's forest, the pine one. Also, the bridge is just a shortcut you can repair from the other side, in the lumberjack village. You can get there through the mountain region and then the desert.

(1 edit) (+1)
how can i get to this map

I can't go to the fire map because she doesn't like it, so how can I overcome it?

Story progression, check out the help function in the "on-map" menu.

where is the crystal that master rayan requests?


He doesn't need any kind of special crystal. Just get one from the crystal cave and charge it by talking with Leary or Gabi.


Hello, how do I unlock the Nun - Confessional? I'm sorry if this has asked before

You need to finish Octa church's questline.

Where can i get mirthril ore

It will be available later in the game via stashes and boss fights.

Deleted 4 years ago

You can check the game via the virus total site. Placing malware in a Patreon-funded game which relies on a good public opinion sounds like a great idea, yeah.

Where do i find the talon (Sword) and how do i get rid of the green vines in the nymph forest?

also, where do the village treasure be, i can find anyplace in the villlage that has three trees.

There is more than 1 village on the map.

Talon is an enchanted sword you can restore after getting all 3 parts from different puzzles. Vines in Nymph's forest are part of the zone's puzzle with crystals.

I had sold it, I didn't think I would need it, but when I needed to make a new weapon. how to get it again?

i'm stuck on the puzzle in the volcanic depths east please help

Just check out my Youtube channel - I post solutions for harder puzzles there and volcanic puzzle is among them.

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

thank you just one more question, how do i get more magic essence because i feel like it's a drop item from monsters but i cant figure out which one or if i haven't encountered it yet, am i just being dumb and it's just a limited recorce?

Edit: nvm i figured it out

This game reminds me of Melty's Quest in a way except a few minor differences. The puzzles are great but I don't think I need any help unless if I really super need it. If I do then I'll put something here but I like to play the game on my own usually

I have a problem. I doesn't find this place on the map. Where is this place ?

You are in the correct location - use roots and rocks as markers. There's only 1 place where these 2 + hole are on the map.

Deleted 4 years ago

Just use the help button in the menu, and it will tell you what to do next.

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