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I fibished the game oh yeah 


(1 edit)

Can i use my old save files for updated versions ?

Yes, of course. Copy your entire save folder into the new release and you are ready to go.

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Just for sure in case 

Copy the whole save folder and paste it into the new ones save folder right ? 

I just dont wanna do the whole thing again 

Even if you somehow miss the right destination, you can check it in the previous project and try again.


(2 edits)

I know im asking too much questions but its an  nice adventure game right ? So 

Sometimes enemies are attacking first  at combat. Is it randomize or have a way to attack first ? 

Check info posts like this one. This way you'll find an answer faster.

Speed affects action order during combat. Characters with higher speed act first. Some skills can affect your speed both positively and negatively. For example, healing skills and drinking potions have top priority to avoid scenarios where players decide to heal but get finished off by a faster enemy.

In that room of books like a demon summoner thing wjats the button combination im bad at puzzels a bit

These puzzles are optional - you can beat the game without solving even one. Save them for later or just ignore puzzles if you find them difficult.



Im so glad to i dont need to solve it

Whats seal away skill does ? 

It says my enemy is silenced but its like nothing else happened


It restricts enemies from using some skills. There are combat moves that not require verbal components and your foes still can use them even while silenced.


How do i get the air crystal from the snowie forest i can not find it how where i have to go there is a cave but i can't not get any closer. Can some one help me?

You get it after defeating raiju boss.

I'm on mobile, is there any way to enable Ada's image on the right side of the screen? I seem to have disabled it and idk how to enable it.

As I mentioned in my last post about the new patch, Ada’s on-map sprite is hidden except for cutscenes. Players actively messaged me that they want to see more map instead of Ada.

This is a temporal solution until I'll get more time to make a proper toggle option for mobile.

where is the cultist lair? i cant seem the find the spot thats on the map

nvm  im blind

where in the desert do i get fire essence?

Climb the roots down or read any of 6 posts with the same question.

I'm playing on mac and I can't save at all, it says error: EROFS: read-only file system followed by a bunch of location names. Any fix?

Yes, if I understand the problem correctly, the solution is in FAQ section for MacOS platform.

I tried that but it didn't work...

That's strange because the exact same error was fixed by following the guide. Basically, the game says that it can't create the save file because it doesn't have enough rights to do so.

"4. If it's not the case - set it yourself via the menu. After changing permissions click on the gear icon and choose the "Apply to enclosed items" option from the drop-down menu."

I think the main problem is here. I can't find apply to enclosed items, the setting just seems to save itself as read and write.

Check for similar options. In different versions, it may be there under a different name. Plus, the problem is that Yorna can’t make a save files inside the ”save” folder. So, in theory, you should try to change write permissions for it and this should work.

How can I get 10 fell extracts

You can get them later in the game.

Deleted 2 years ago

No, I’m preparing the animation support to use Live2d v3 in RPG Maker MV but it’s for the next project. I plan to make it bigger and better than Yorna with all the ideas and experience I got during the development.

Yes, you’ll get H content with Desona.

(1 edit)

I am stuck in the part where I’ve to talk with Mio, she says that she is tired and she has to relax. I can’t enter to the volcano or the ice place either. 

How should I continue?

Deleted 2 years ago

how to get the " vagabonds-raiju " scene ?

Complete vagabond's questline.

how ? i don't know how complete the quest

Talk with vagabond's leader and use the help funtion if you are stuck.

Deleted 2 years ago

You can't. The cave serves as a home for Raiju so she won't have to freeze her ass in the snow.


what is password for shady guy ?


The code is part of Master reward tier and above from the Patreon.


can somebody tell me exactly where the water crystal is? I can't find it also because I don't know where the cave is

Ayane the kitsune will open a portal on tower’s ground floor. Use it to get inside the crystal cave and explore the zone.

the dress to unlock lewd skill, when did it appear at diana's shop? What are the condition to make it appear? Thank

(1 edit)

You get one from a Sally the succubus after you defeat her in the crystal cave. The second dress (Wild Lotus) is available from Diana’s shop after you rescue Serena.

So not near the game start but after some play time. Thanks for the answer.

Hello there!! May i has a clue on how to get the Shady Guy's codes... am so curious to know what it is.

P. S. I love this game so much. 💓♥️❤️

Glad you liked Yorna. The code is part of Master reward tier and above from the Patreon.

Hey, is it possible to get rid of extra Fell Extract from the inventory? I can't sell it, and there doesn't seem to be a way to drop it. (Sorry, I like having a clean inventory!)

Err... No, looks like it doesn’t have a selling price so you can’t get rid of it. But, with all honesty, it shouldn’t bother you at all. It goes into the materials and key items inventory’s tab and you don’t need to interact with any of these items directly. Usable items are in ”Items” category.

Plus, it can be awkward if you sell all your crafting materials and unlock a new dress to make. In this case, you’ll need to get all the materials from scratch. Also, you will need fell extract for nun’s quest and the lab.

Just leave it there.

Ah, alright! Thanks!

zip isnt working(4 me) cant get it to start

What does ”isn’t working” and ”cant get it to start” mean? Just downloaded all 4 options simultaneously and all of them are ok. I don’t know what to say if you don’t give me any relevant information. Try downloading the game on Patreon?

nvm somehow its working now idk whats going on but it didnt work before when i try to start the game

Ok, just include relevant info in the futute. It's like visiting a doctor with only "It hurts" as a description of your problem - impossible to help without details.

how do I repair the bridge and what is the code next to the castle

Lumberjack’s village across the bridge once you get to it by a circuitous route via the mountain pass. The code is Patreon reward.

How do you unlock lewd skills? is it a certain dress?

Yeah, lewd skills are unlocked through dresses like any other skill in the game.

how can i get my advanced in the previous version and put it in the new version?

Check out the frequently asked questions post.

How do you get the "Domination" scene?

Win the battle using only offensive lust skills like "Seduce" and "Lust bolt"

i  cant vote but can u do  league of coruption i have ideas maby u can  think of adding 


can u make game downloadable on itch  and can u fix part where u have to restart when u update

Last time I tried uploading Yorna directly to Itch, players had problems with downloading the game. Guess I’ll give it another shot with the upcoming public release.

Saves are and were compatible among all versions from 0.5 to 1.0 - you don’t need to start over. Copy your save folder from an older release into the new one and continue with your adventure.

it workd  for me befo when u had on itch but when one of updates came  no longer worked

for those  who dont have a issue with it  on itch can u  have it for itch to  i  was fine till one of the updates then said not availible  if u can put   1.0 when its out for itch and one on one u been doing  that be good ill let u know if it works 


What I have to do next

Talk to the monster girl at the piano.

How you reach to this point

Where is the witch? It says to check Mortimer's tower but I can't find anything. Playing V.09

Check the rubble blocking the stairs up in the tower. Ada will sense a trace of teleportation magic and open it. Use the new portal to get inside the tower.

where do you find the 10 bottles of fell extract?

Tenta-girl den later in the game as drops and harvestable nodes.

(1 edit)

talked to ayane and she told me tame a flame spirit to her, and get it in the dessert, been all three maps, as well as the ruins, nothing, maybe i am missing a fourth area,  but i'm stuck.

Climb down the roots in the bridge-like section of the desert before the puzzle cave.

could ya screen shot it? still can't find it.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Ayane the kitsune will instruct you on what you need to do. In short, to enter some areas Ada needs to tame elemental essences. For example, taming fire essence from the desert will allow you to enter the snowy mountain region.

Talk to her at the Fox Shrine (inside pine wood) and check the help menu if you forgot what do you need to do.

Will check out the letter.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

I guess the items you mention are needed for quests, like the letter you mentioned from the abandoned hideout with skeletons. Sometimes you can pick them up before getting the quest. I made it possible so players wouldn’t need to visit same location twice just to fetch the item.

Most likely you hit the spot in vagabond’s quest line where you need to find who’s wiling to but the monster girls from them. Ada suspects the baron. So, just get to mansion’s second floor and find a monster girl there.

Extra stats are hidden in classic RPG Maker’s layout. Speed is the ability to do something before the enemy. Crit = more critical hits with greater damage. Dodge = chance to evade a physical attack.

No, Yorna won’t have customization aside from the on-map Ada’s picture with currently equipped dress. Since adding variety must affect scenes, each small change in Ada’s appearance must be reflected in all scenes. This means more frames, and this quickly spans out of control. It’s not impossible but with the current H scenes system, it’s not viable to due a huge workload. Plus, I think more people will appreciate animated scenes - working on them right now for the future project.

Yorna won’t have DLC packs because v1.0 will go public and remain free after that. EX version will receive new H scenes and a few mini-dialogues with monster girls and go on distribution platforms as I already mentioned in my dev plans post. Locking DLC behind a EX paywall is a dick move.

NW.js shouldn’t react to any kind of game interaction unless you made some changes inside the code and/or saves via cheat engines or something like this. If it’s not the case, download the last version from my Patreon and try again. Just checked the letter and it works fine.

Deleted 3 years ago

No, I plan to make animated scenes with the text. The text block will be on top of the animation to provide the narrative and if you’ll want to check the action without obstruction - hit shift and the dialogue box will disappear. No further clicks will advance the scene before you un-hide it. The same logic as in Yorna.

The game refused to update through the itch desktop app, so I uninstalled it to try reinstalling the update fresh…
… And it said the install files were hosted on an incampatible website…

Itch acts strange during this update... Just download the game directly from my Patreon - I'll have direct download links there. Will look into Itch problems after v1.0 release.

Well, where did you upload the files for version 0.8a or whatever it was… 0.8.11a…? Something like that…

You've apparently changed where you are hosting the files…?

The old save files should still work on this new version, right…?

Actually, v0.9 is the last public version. Yes, I linked my Google Disk since Itch game me some errors on download. Yes, saves are compatible.

Okay, so itch desktop app doesn't like Google Drive(?) for some reason… strange.

Thank you for the information, I'll attempt to install it later.

game just hard-crashed my entire comp. files were missing.

(1 edit)

I just deleted the old files and linked them up from Patreon. Try using the new links and if the problem persists - contact me with more info.

Or you can just use Patreon directly.

I re-downloaded day of and it worked just fine- i think it was an error on my own PC. Thank you though.

You've made a great game, keep up the good work

will final update be for non patrons to  i dont wanna pay every month  i rather pay  a one time fee

when will it update again i finished recent update  but not compleated i missed stuff

for v9 download I cant extract files from folders

Hmm... The download stops halfway causing the file to become corrupt - just checked it out myself. Contacted the support, want to check with them first before re-uploading the files.

(1 edit)

I just deleted the old files and linked them up from Patreon. Try using the new links and if the problem persists - contact me with more info.

Or you can just use Patreon directly.

Where can I obtain pelts from?

Drops from jinko enemies in the pine forest, playing with a hunter in the lumberjack village and a few caches you can find with treasure maps.

Why does every time it crash I have to restart over , can you like add a way to keep saves after u close the game lol

Crash problem is fixed in 0.9a. You don't need to start over after each crash, just use saves.

Keep saves after closing the game? Why the usual saves or the autosave feature doesn't work for you?

We need more High Quality games like this :D

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